

Mahir Harun Mahir was born in 1963 and acquired his early informal Islamic knowledge from his parents. He attended El-Falah Islamiya School, Higher Islamic College, El-Kanemi College of Islamic Theology all in Maiduguri; He also attended Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, and University of Maiduguri. Mahir obtained both Junior and Senior Secondary School Certificates from El-Kanemi College Maiduguri; Advanced Diploma in Arabic Education from Ahmadu Bello University Zaria; Bachelor Degree Combined Honor in Linguistics/Arabic, Masters in Public Administration (MPA), Masters in Arabic Studies and Ph D. Arabic Studies all from the University of Maiduguri. He served as Classroom Teacher as well as Headmaster. 

He also worked with the Nigeria Arabic Language Village (NALV), Inter-University Center for Arabic Studies, from 2006 as a Graduate Assistant up to the rank of Associate Professor in 2018, where he served in different capacities, such as Examination Officer, Head of Department, member, secretary and chairman, of committees, Member Senior Staff A & PC, Member Academic Board and member Management Committee. Mahir is an active member of the Nigeria Association of Teachers of Arabic and Islamic Studies (NATAIS) since 2003. He served in different capacities of the association, such as Borno State Branch Chairman, National Financial Secretary, member National Editorial Board, member National Books Projects Committee, National Auditor and currently Assistant National Secretary Execution of the Association. He is also a registered member of the Academic Society of Arabic Language and Literature in Nigeria (ASALLIN), and Linguistics Association of Nigeria (LAN). He participated and presented papers in many academic conferences; He have more than forty published academic materials. He is currently a Professor of Arabic Studies with specialization in sociolinguistics. He is as well blessed with wives and many children (both gender combined) and grandchildren.a