
Dr Mohammed Akilu Umar B.Tech. (Est Mgt, ATBU); M.Sc. ( Est. & Fac. Mgt, UTHM Malaysia); PhD. (Real Est. & Fac. Mgt., UTHM Malaysia) (ACICPFM), (CFMP), (CPMP), (ACIPM)

Dr Mohammed Akilu Umar is the Head of Department of Estate Management in the Faculty of Environmental Sciences of the Nigerian Army University, Biu, Borno State. He is a senior lecturer in the department of Estate Management. He holds B. Tech. in Estate Management from Abubakar Tafawa University in 2005. He started work as a lecturer in the department of Estate Management Abubakar Tatari-Ali Polytechnic Bauchi, State. He Held Various Positions in the Polytechnic such as, Programme coordinator, Exams officer, SIWES Coordinator and Deputy Director Entrepreneurship Development Centre. He obtained a Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) at Usman Danfodio University Sokoto in 2009. He obtained a Master of Science Degree, MSc. in Real Estate & Facilities Management in 2013 from University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. Additionally, he obtained His PhD in Real Estate & Facilities Management in 2018 from University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). During his PhD. he has worked as Graduate Research Assistant on International Research Grant Research, Provided by National Real Property Research Coordinator (NAPREC) Malaysia fro 2016-2018.

He is associate member of chartered institute of contract project and facilities management. A certified facilities management professional of chartered institute of contract project and facilities management. He has 15 years working experience as an academician. He published about 30 Journals and conference papers and 1 book series. More so, He attended more than 12 international seminars and workshops also a recipient of a STAR Publication Award by University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia in 2018. Attended about 14 international and local conferences. He has won 2 Institutional Based Research Grant Funded by Tertiary Education Trust Fund (Tetfund) Nigeria. He participated as Rapporteur Multi-Disciplinary Conference Organised by Academic Staff Union of Abubakar Tatari-Ali Polytechnic Bauchi State, Nigeria 2019, a member of various commitees and have supervised more than 100 students Projects.


Estate Management as a profession is aimed at optimizing the use of land among competing claims of having regards to public goods, fair share by correct owners of interest in the land and to facilitate economic development. It is the art and science of supervising the use, development and management of landed property, other natural resources and the built environment. The Programme is designed to prepare students to appreciate the complexity of legal economic, technological and social impacts on the use, development and management of land and the environment. The emerging world trend in technological advancement and environmental concern calls for the need to design responsive programmes for the training of future graduates in Estate Management. This working plan came-up with a proposal for the establishment of Department of Estate management, Faculty of Environmental Science in Nigerian Army University Biu. Accordingly, the plan has the general philosophy of the programme including the curriculum and resources requirements including staffing, equipment and physical facilities.


The general philosophy underlying Estate Management as a profession is to optimize the use of land among competing claims having regards to public good, fair share by current owners of interests in the land and to facilitate economic development. Students/Graduates of the discipline are exposed to fundamental principles of economics, property management, property rating and national taxation, statistics, feasibility and viability appraisal, land policy, valuation, land law, law of contract and tort, building construction, among others.Thus, the Philosophy of the Degree in Estate Management is to produce competent Estate Surveyors and Values with sufficient technical knowledge and skill to optimise the use of land resources to facilitate economic development.

Goals and Objectives

The programme is aimed at producing professional who will be capable of handling and performing to an acceptable standard certain range of Estate development and management functions and solving problems in their various field of employment. The aim of the course is also to educate and equip students with a fundamental body of knowledge in the constituent disciplines of Property Valuation, Development Appraisal, Building Construction, Land Surveying, Economics, Town Planning, Land Law, Land Economics, Urban Economics, Property Management and Property Development. Graduates trained in Estate Management should therefore not only acquire skills indicated but should also be able to demonstrate them by making spontaneous analytic deductive and competent judgments on issues facing contemporary Nigeria environment, particularly those relating to interests in landed property. The Estate Management graduate is also trained to interact with other allied professionals in the construction industry.

At the end of the programme, the graduates should be able to exhibit adequate knowledge, skills and technical know-how in the use, development and management of land on the following:-Inspect, survey and report on land and building for the development and management purpose; – Examine, produce and interpret building plans; – Undertake the preparation, keeping and updating of land records.
The general objectives are:
⦁ To instil in students an appreciation of the complex nature of the relationships between man and his environment;
⦁ To involve the students in an intellectually stimulating and satisfying experience of learning and studying;
⦁ To provide a broad and balanced foundation of the knowledge of land and buildings and their exploitation and use;
⦁ To develop in students, ability to apply their analytical skills to the solution of theoretical and practical land resource problems.
⦁ To develop in students, entrepreneurial skills of value in self-employment in the profession;
⦁ To develop in the students, survival skills in an ever changing economic, technological and political world;
⦁ To lay the foundation on which students can proceed to further studies in specialized aspects of estate surveying practice or multi-disciplinary areas involving estate surveying and valuation;
⦁ To create an appreciation of the importance of estate surveying and valuation in an industrial, environmental, economic and social context; and
⦁ To develop the students in the effective management of land and the environment.