
E. CHIJIOKE OGBONNA, PhD, is a Professor of Political Science (Comparative Politics) and Head of the Department of Political Science, Nigerian Army University Biu (NAUB). He obtained a Bachelor of Arts (hons) in History and International Studies (2002 – 2006) at Babcock University; Master of Science in Political Science (International Relations) at University of Ibadan (2007 – 2009); and PhD in Political Science (Comparative Politics), Babcock University (2010 – 2016). He was in 2006 the recipient of the Babcock University Merit Award for being the best graduating student of the Department of History & International Studies.

His specific research domain is on Africa and Third World countries with specialisation in Comparative Politics, State-Society Relations, Governance and Democratic Studies, International Relations, Peace, Conflict, and Strategic Studies.
He has held previous teaching appointments at Wesley University, Ondo; Babcock University, Ogun State, and Adeleke University, Ede, Osun State. He was the Coordinator of Department of Social Sciences, 2010 – 2011 at Wesley University; Coordinator of Department of Political Science and Public Administration at Adeleke University in 2014. Before joining NAUB, he was the Director, Centre for Remedial and Continuing Education (CRCE) from 2017 to 2021, coordinating the JUPEB, IJMB as well as Part Time Degree Programmes at Adeleke University. This was after a brief headship of the Quality Assurance Unit. His headship of the two units led to achievement of incredible results. At CRCE he was able to revamp the revenue base of the unit as well as recording 98 percent pass in the 2018 JUPEB Examination in all subjects. At Quality Assurance unit, his Rating of Effective Semester Take-Off scale (REST) became an effective tool in performance appraisal and effective teaching, while his Human Capital and Establishment Data Scale also expanded the measurement of resourceful lecturers as well.

He is a fellow of Pan-African Scientific Research Council; Member, Lagos Studies Association; Member, International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS), Member, Association of Management and Social Science Researchers of Nigeria (AMSSRN). He is the Editor-in-Chief of Yamtara-Wala Journal of Arts, Management and Social Sciences (YaJAMSS), and Member of the Editorial Board, Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations (KJPIR) as well as reviewer for many local and international journals. Prof E. Chijioke Ogbonna is also among the four-man team sponsored by the Nigerian Air Force (NAF HQ) to study “Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism in Northeast Nigeria”.


The Department of Political Science runs three academic programs: B.Sc. International Relations, B.Sc. Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution and B.Sc. Political Science. Entry points for the programmes include the four year module where students are admitted through JAMB/UTME and the three-year Direct Entry module where students are admitted directly into 200 Level with the approval of JAMB.

History of the Department and Administrative Structure

The Department of Political Science was established in November 2018. It is one of the pioneer Department of the Faculty of Arts, Management and Social Sciences, Nigerian Army University Biu. The Department offers B.Sc. International Relations, B.Sc. Peace and Conflict Resolutions, B.Sc. Political Science. It was not until January 2019 that academic activities commenced with the enrolment of 44 students for Political science, 40 students for International Relations and 39 for Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution in 100 levels for the first academic 2018/2019 session. The Department has ever since then grown in size. The staff strength has also grown from military personnel to other lecturer in various categories and cadre.

Department’s Mission Statement

The Mission of the Department of Political science is aimed at developing the mind and impacting distinct theoretical and practical knowledge that will encourage self-reliance in the student and the nation. The programmes encourages graduates with critical minds, requisite ability and skill to analyze, predict and influence the factors that shape and mold power relationship in changing socio-political environment in a globalizing world.

Philosophy and Objectives of B.SC. International Relations

The underlying philosophy of the programme is to produce students with seasoned world view who would be able to apply the teachings of International Relations to solve the persisting problem confronting humanity either as member of a political community and/or the international community at large.
The objectives of the BSc International Relations are to:
⦁ Impact the basic knowledge needed for an understanding and analysis of problems related to the subject matter of International Relations.
⦁ Imbue in the students a deep appreciation of the dynamics of the workings of the Internal Political community.
⦁ Provide solid foundation of knowledge about the working of society and its institutions and develop the skills for the constructive use of such knowledge.
⦁ Produce students who can carry out fieldwork, collect data and analyze these in a coherent manner, as well as engage in comparative analysis of one political system with others.
⦁ Stimulate the students intellectually through the programme, in such a way that they appreciate social problems.
⦁ Generate in students an appreciation of the importance of international Relations in a national –political, economic and social development on the one hand and in the maintenance of global peace and security on the other.
⦁ Develop in the students the ability to apply their international relations theories, analytical tools, knowledge and skills to the solution of international problems.

Philosophy, Aims, and Objectives of  B.SC. Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution

The philosophy underlying the Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution programme is to produce a crop of graduates equipped with appropriate knowledge to make their contribution to the development of Nigeria, Africa and the global community in the field of Social Sciences in general and in the various sub-field of Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution in particular.
Programme Objectives
The objectives of the Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution programme are to:
⦁ Instill in students a sound knowledge of Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution, an appreciation of its applications in different socio-cultural contexts and to involve the students in an intellectually stimulating and satisfying experience of learning and studying.
⦁ Provide students with a broad and well balanced theories and methods in Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution.
⦁ Cultivate in students the ability to apply their knowledge and skills on Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution to the understanding and solution of societal problems in Nigeria and elsewhere.
⦁ Provide students with a relevant knowledge and skill base from which they can proceed to further studies in special areas of Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution or multi-disciplinary areas involving Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution.
⦁ Instill in students an appreciation of the importance of Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution in contemporary national and global affairs.
⦁ Develop in students a range of useful competencies for employment whether public, private or self-employ

Philosophy, Aims and Objectives of Political Science

The programme is targeted at transmission of critical, analytical, predictive, comprehensive and problem-solving knowledge to students, and the process would have empowered them as solution providers in the challenging socio-political world in an effort to make them distinct agents of social, political and administrative change agents.

Aims and Objectives

The main objectives of a degree in political Science are to
⦁ Provide training in the principles of political science and their application to the type of degree programme concerned – political economy, public administration or international relations.
⦁ Stimulate the students intellectually through the programme, in such a way that they appreciate social problems.
⦁ Provide a solid foundation of knowledge about the workings of society and its institutions and develop the skills for the constructive use of such knowledge.
⦁ Develop in students, the ability to apply the knowledge to the resolution of societal problems and conflicts.
⦁ Develop in students, such skills and competency that would allow them to be self reliant and entrepreneurial.
⦁ Provide the students with necessary skills for studying and analyzing society.
⦁ Provide the students with the skill-base from which they can proceed to higher studies in political science.
⦁ Imbue in the students a deep appreciation of the political dynamics of society and the impact of this on wider.